Pension Fund Committee

The management of the Fund is the responsibility of Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC). CCC is the appropriate administering authority for LGPS members in Cambridgeshire under the LGPS regulations. CCC delegates its functions to the Pension Fund Committee. This covers all aspects of governance and administration of the LGPS. It includes funding and investments.

The operation of the Pension Fund Committee is outlined in the Fund’s Governance Policy and Compliance Statement.


Councillor Alison Whelan (appointed May 2021) Chair

Councillor Mike Black (appointed July 2023) Vice-Chair

Councillor Adela Costello (appointed May 2022)

Councillor Chris Boden (appointed June 2021)

Councillor Peter McDonald (appointed May 2023)

Councillor Alan Sharp (appointed May 2024)

Councillor Andrew Wood (appointed October 2024)

Councillor Lara Davenport – Ray (appointed May 2024)

Howard Nelson (appointed December 2023)

Matthew Pink (reappointed May 2023)

Liz Brennan (appointed June 2023)

Current vacancies and recent meetings

Check CCC’s democratic services pages for vacancies and recent meetings.

More in How we manage Cambridgeshire Pension Fund