Local Pension Board

The management of the Fund is the responsibility of Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC). CCC is the appropriate administering authority for LGPS members in Cambridgeshire under the LGPS regulations. The role of the Local Pension Board is to assist CCC in its role as scheme manager. This covers all aspects of governance and administration of the LGPS. It includes funding and investments.

The Local Pension Board’s responsibilities are to:

The role of the Board is to review and check the policies adopted by the administering authority against the applicable regulations. The Board must compare them to examples of best practice elsewhere.

The operation of the Local Pension Board is outlined in the Fund’s Governance Policy and Compliance Statement.

The conflicts of interests register for the Cambridgeshire Local Pension Board can be accessed below:

CPF Board COI Register 2024(Word 28 KB)


Councillor Denis Payne (reappointed February 2021) – Chair

Barry O’Sullivan (reappointed May 2019) – Vice-Chair

Councillor Simon King (reappointed May 2021)

Councillor Geoffrey Seeff (appointed March 2023)

Val Limb (appointed November 2020)

Current vacancies and recent meetings

The Board includes three employer representatives and three scheme member representatives. Check CCC’s democratic services pages for vacancies and recent meetings.

More in How we manage Cambridgeshire Pension Fund