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Your pension
Get started
What you need to do
What your employer needs to do
Nominate or update your beneficiaries
I want to move an old pension across
What is the LGPS
What do I get?
How much does it cost?
How much is in my pension?
How’s my pension worked out?
Am I saving enough?
I want to pay in more
I want to pay in less
I want to move an old pension across
I’m having some time off work
Thinking of leaving
Update my personal details
Nominate or update your beneficiaries
Life events
Moving home
Marriage or partnership
Starting a family
Divorce or separation
Changing jobs
Struggling with the cost of living
Salary changes
Risk of redundancy
Ill health
Life cover
Nominate or update your beneficiaries
Someone has died
How’s my pension worked out?
What will I get?
When can I take my pension?
Ill health
Taking your deferred pension
Flexible retirement
How do I get my pension?
Your payments
Change in circumstances
Pensioner newsletters
Pensioner forms and guides
Life cover
Someone has died
How to complain or raise a dispute
Tax and your pension
About us
Who we are
How we invest
Key documents Cambridgeshire
Key documents Northamptonshire
How we manage Cambridgeshire Pension Fund
How we manage Northamptonshire Pension Fund
How we look after your data
Accessibility statement
Help signing up or logging in
Getting a pensions estimate
Someone has died
Forms & guides for members
Contact us – members
Useful links
How to complain or raise a dispute
Joining us
What is the LGPS
Who can join?
How do I join?
What do I get?
How much does it cost?
Scheduled bodies
Resolution or designating bodies
Admission bodies
Employer hub
Your pension
Get started
What you need to do
What your employer needs to do
Nominate or update your beneficiaries
I want to move an old pension across
What is the LGPS
How much does it cost?
How much is in my pension?
How’s my pension worked out?
Am I saving enough?
I want to pay in more
I want to pay in less
I want to move an old pension across
I’m having some time off work
Thinking of leaving
Update my personal details
Nominate or update your beneficiaries
Life events
Moving home
Marriage or partnership
Starting a family
Divorce or separation
Changing jobs
Struggling with the cost of living
Salary changes
Risk of redundancy
Life cover
Nominate or update your beneficiaries
Someone has died
How’s my pension worked out?
What will I get?
When can I take my pension?
Ill health
Flexible retirement
How do I get my pension?
Your payments
Change in circumstances
Pensioner newsletters
Pensioner forms and guides
Life cover
Someone has died
How to complain or raise a dispute
Tax and your pension
About us
Who we are
How we invest
Key documents Cambridgeshire
Key documents Northamptonshire
How we manage Cambridgeshire Pension Fund
How we manage Northamptonshire Pension Fund
How we look after your data
Accessibility statement
Help signing up or logging in
Getting a pensions estimate
Someone has died
Forms & guides for members
Contact us – members
Useful links
How to complain or raise a dispute
Joining us
What is the LGPS
Who can join?
How do I join?
What do I get?
How much does it cost?
Employer hub
What do I need to do?
Looking after your members
Reporting your contributions form
Forms and guides for employers
Pension regulations
Funding and valuation
Outsourcing and TUPE transfers
News and events
Contact us – employers
About us
Key documents Cambridgeshire
Employer policies
Key documents Cambridgeshire
Annual report
Business plan and communications
Data privacy
Employer policies
Funding and investment policies
Governance policies
Employer policies
Administration strategy (PDF 518KB)
Admissions and bulk transfer policy CPF 2024 (Word 186KB)
Cessations policy 2022 (Word 160KB)
Payment of employee and employer pension contributions policy (Word 152KB)
Review of contribution rate policy 2023 (Word 182 KB)
Funding and investment policies
Data privacy
More in Key documents Cambridgeshire
Funding and investment policies
Governance policies
Data privacy
Business plan and communications
Annual report
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