Other types of leave
Authorised unpaid absence
If your employer allows you to take unpaid leave, for example because you’re taking time off:
- for jury service
- to have a career break
- to care for family members
- to retrain
the period won’t count for pension purposes unless you choose to pay additional pension contributions (APCs) to buy the amount of pension lost.
If you choose to pay APCs to buy ‘lost’ pension within 30 days of returning to work or longer if your employer allows it, the cost will be split between you and employer.
Use the buying lost pension calculator to find out more about paying APCs and the cost to you.
Please fill in the Buying back lost pension form and send to your employer. Once you’ve printed out the results of the calculator, please send a copy of both forms us at pensions@westnorthants.gov.uk
What happens if I’m on strike?
If you’re away from work for a day or more due to a trade dispute the period won’t count for pension purposes unless you choose to pay additional pension contributions (APC) to buy the amount of pension lost. You’ll need to fully meet the cost (unless your employer chooses to contribute to the APC).
Use the buying lost pension calculator to find out more about paying APCs and the cost to you. You’ll need information from your employer about the pay you ‘lost’ in the trade dispute to use the calculator.
Please contact your employer for more information about these other types of leave.