When can I take my pension?

If you qualified for a pension when you left the LGPS but didn’t take it, you’ll have a deferred pension . Your pension will be paid at age 65 unless you:

  • choose to take your pension late (up to the age of 75)
  • choose to take your pension early (between age 55 – 65)
  • request payment between age 50 – 55 (only possible with your council’s consent)
  • become permanently incapable of the job you held because of ill health (your pension may be paid early without reduction).

If your pension is paid after age 65, it will be paid at an increased rate. If your pension is paid before age 65, it may be reduced for early payment. Your benefits may be protected from reduction if you joined the LGPS before 1 October 2006.

You may be able to transfer the value of your deferred benefits to another pension scheme.

Please see the Full guide to the LGPS for councillors for more information.

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